Meet Traci
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Story written by Jean Heather Akins on December 3, 2001

Graphics provided by

Animation Factory

Would you like to meet a sweet little girl named Traci?
Traci is four years old. Her favorite colors are pink and purple.
Here she is holding her favorite toy.
It's a stuffed bunny named Pinki.
Afternoon Tea Party
Traci and Pinki have afternoon tea parties every day.
Traci spends many hours playing with Pinki.
She tells Pinki her dreams and secrets.
Nap Time
It's time for Traci and Pinki to take a nap.
After the nap
Traci is wondering what she feels like doing now that nap time is over.
Visit the Playground
She decides to spend some time in the playground with Pinki.

The End