Taco, My Imaginary Chihuahua
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This is about my imaginary Chihuahua named Taco.
I have two real puppies named Buffy and Xena. Xena is 100% Chihuahua and Buffy is half Pomeranian and half Chihuahua.

Taco is a very sweet and loyal dog.
I think my puppies would like him if they ever met him.
Taco is excited because he sees his friend outside the window.
His friend's name is Taquita.
Taco and Taquita are very good friends.
They love to play together every day.
Taco sees a mouse.
He's not sure what it is. Should he make friends with it or chase it away?
Taco greets a visitor in our backyard.
The visitor asks Taco for directions on how to get to Mars.
Taco's excited because we hung his very own stocking on the mantle.
He wants to make sure the stocking can hold his weight in goodies.
Taco loves to wear his very own Santa hat.
He wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Graphics provided by

Animation Factory