Where I Work
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I work in a law library.
Started working there in October 1988. It's a good place with good people.

The Staff
I work with a pretty good group of folks: a Director, an Administrative Department, a few Librarians, some Library Assistants and some Work Study help.

About half of our library patrons are lawyers.
Wireless Phone Policy
If you must use your wireless phone while in our library, please take it outside. Other patrons need quiet in order to do their research.
Reference Assistance
Our librarians can assist you in finding books to help you with your legal research.
Our collection includes a number of legal newspapers: The Recorder, the San Francisco Daily Journal, The Inter-City Express, the National Law Journal, and the Daily Recorder.
Shelf Reading
Shelf reading is a daily task necessary to ensure the books are kept in order and easy to locate.
Don't Get the Wrong Idea
Some people think librarians have an easy job. "Wow, what a cushy job. Just sit around all day reading books." It's real work to maintain a collection of library material and keeping it up to date for our patrons.
Updating Volumes
Laws change, as you may know. So our law books constantly need updating. Most of our books come in loose-leaf format (binders) so we can remove outdated pages and replace them with new pages sent to us from the publisher.
So If the Books You Want Aren't There
It could be the particular set of books you need are not on the shelf. We may have pulled them and taken them to the Technical Services Workroom for updating. The books will be returned soon, so please be patient.
Patron Code of Conduct
No eating food or drinking beverages in the library, please. Our staff members do walk through the library occasionally to ensure the library rules are observed and enforced.
Conference Rooms Available for Rent
Some of our patrons rent our conference rooms. We have four rooms available.
We Open at 8:30 on Weekday Mornings
Mondays through Fridays we open the Law Library at 8:30 a.m. Please be patient, as we do need to time to get the library ready for our patrons to use.

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