Fairy Tale
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Story written by Jean Heather Akins on December 3, 2001

Graphics provided by

Animation Factory

Once upon a time
there was a royal couple: the King and Queen. They were very much in love.
They had a daughter,
the Princess Gwendolyn who was imprisoned in a tower by an evil wizard.
Princess Gwendolyn tried to escape,
but she could not. The wizard's spell was too strong for her. So she stayed in the tower waiting to be rescued.
The Rescue!
Then one day a brave knight rescued Princess Gwendolyn from the tower. He had help from a good wizard who cast a new spell to reverse the one made by the evil wizard.
On the way to meet the parents
Princess Gwendolyn said to the brave knight, "You must come meet my parents, the King and Queen. They will be so thrilled to meet the brave knight who rescued me!"
Too Tired
"Sure," said the knight. "But I'm pooped from all this rescuing. Can you carry me over there?" "Okay," said Princess Gwendolyn.
The King and Queen were so very happy to have their beautiful Princess Gwendolyn back home safe and sound. They held a royal dance to celebrate the occasion.

The End