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Note from Jean Akins: This web site and I are not affiliated with Amtrak or its Acela rail service. For information on Amtrak, go to

My name is Jean, a.k.a. AmtrakGirl. Welcome to my web site. I hope you'll have a pleasant visit.
Current Interests
My current interest: trains and railroads. (Big surprise, huh?) I wonder if they'll let me blow the train whistle on the Amtrak Capitol Corridor one of these days. Probably not. I'm sure there are some safety rules and regulations about letting passengers do that. Although, I could probably lay a guilt trip on them: "After my ancestors worked so hard to build the railroads, the least you could do is let me blow the whistle just once!"

About This Photo
This photo of me and Leeland was taken by my friend Skip, a fellow Amtrak commuter. Skip is one of the nicest, most interesting, smart, good-natured persons I've met on Amtrak. I guess I should thank those BART workers who threatened to go on strike, thus causing me to switch to Amtrak. I would never have met so many terrific people, such as Skip, if I was still riding on BART.

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