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I'd like to thank these people for inspiring me to make this AmtrakGirl web site.

Barry, my husband, who takes me to the train station and picks me up afterward, and for being so loving, understanding and supportive.

Skip, my fellow Amtrak commuter. (It's not enough that he's mentioned on the home page. Now his name is plastered here, too, geeez.)

My other fellow Amtrak commuters (Donna, Rico, Gary, Judy, Ian, Apollo, Tom, Kirk, Bob, Martin, Tim, Delores, Rebecca, Matina, and the purple backpack lady). Forgive me if I didn't spell your names correctly. I think I got them right.

The Amtrak personnel: Ticket Clerk Larry at the Martinez train station (for putting me at ease by explaining to me how the system works the first day I took Amtrak); Conductor Gary of the Capitol Corridor for brightening up our mornings with his cheerful, helpful and courteous self and for knowing how to use the PA system so he's not blasting our eardrums, yet we can hear him just fine; the evening train conductors; and the train engineers for getting us where we need to go.

Jeff, for hooking my computers up for me and introducing me to the Internet, and for being my good friend for lo, these many years.

My mom, my dad, my sisters (Rose and Nancy), my brothers (Cordell, John, Rick and Jack), my sisters-in-law (Nancy and Teresa) and my nieces (Angelica, Marlene, Jennifer and Michele) and nephew (Clifford), for being who they are. I love you all.

Josephine, my mother-in-law, the best in the world.

My in-laws for welcoming me into the family when I married Barry.

My wonderful co-workers who make my worklife so interesting: Clara, Greg, Joe, Karl, Bob, Jack, Susanne, Peter, Carole, Lanetta, Cossette, Deanna, Johnnie, Candace, Renee (who is away doing her part to defend our country), and our workstudy help (Susan, Nhu, Van, Linda, and Steve).

My friends outside of work: Maureen, Lee, Monica, Connie, Colleen, Evelyn, Lily, Jacqueline, Kathy, Karen, Daphne, Debbi, Bing, Parkman, Rubye, Jackie, Mary, Jefferey, Lois, Samantha, Kerry, and Dan (who gave me my puppies Buffy and Xena).

Last, but not least, the BART workers who threatened to go on strike, thus causing me to switch to Amtrak, which I find I prefer to use as my way of commuting to work.