Traci's Birthday Party
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It's Traci's birthday party.
Traci and her friends are celebrating her fourth birthday.

Timbo is excited.
Traci's birthday cake is chocolate. That's fine with Timbo because he loves chocolate cake.
Stacy is here, too.
"Is it time to cut the cake yet?" asks Stacy.
Play First
"Not yet," says Traci. "First let's play." She makes pretty pictures by cutting and pasting some construction paper. She gives a picture of a cat to Stacy. Then she gives a picture of a dog to Timbo.
Party Favors
Everyone at the party gets a party favor. Traci's mother helped her buy these for the party when they went shopping yesterday.

Happy Birthday, Traci!
They sing Happy Birthday to Traci. She makes a wish and blows out the candles. Then it's time to open the presents.
Timbo's Gift to Traci
Timbo gives Traci a toy for her birthday. She's never seen a toy like this before. Timbo says, "It's a klacker." He shows her how to twirl it.
Thank You
"Thank you, Stacy and Timbo," says Traci. She is happy that they came to her birthday party. Everyone had fun.

The End

Story written by Jean Heather Akins on December 8, 2001.

Graphics provided by

Animation Factory